Jean Duffy
Soccer Grannies: The South African Women Who Inspire the World tells the story of a team of 40 to 80-year-old women in rural South Africa who defy social convention to play soccer for the companionship and the health benefits it provides. Their strength and resiliency help them face life’s challenges with dignity, humor, and hope. They teach the rest of us that age, gender, and expectations cannot define an athlete.
The Concord Free Public Library presents
Fowler Afoot Book Club
with Author Jean Duffy
Wednesday, October 30
10:00 - 11:00 am
Join Fowler Afoot at the Fowler Branch Library in West Concord at 10 am.
For October we are fortunate to have Jean Duffy join us to discuss her book, Soccer Grannies: The South African Women Who Inspire the World. Copies of the book will be available for pick up at Fowler, and the eBook can be downloaded from Libby.
Please note that instead of our usual amble on the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail, the group will gather downstairs in the Fowler meeting room to enjoy a special presentation.
CFPL Fowler Branch Library 1322 Main Street, Concord, MA 01742